This is it!

Thursday, January 20, 2011

my life... simplied

the old folks used to say, “you don’t know like I know what the LORD has done for me.” it pains me to think of myself as getting old, but that sentence sure does ring true when i reflect on the last two years of my life. i’ve been through so much. no one person knows the entire story, not even if they think they do.

but i will share this: September 11, 2010 changed my life forever. if you know me, then you know i love clothes, high heeled shoes, loud nail polish, headbands, over sized purses and elaborate accessories. and i had a lot of those things. but on that day, i lost everything i owned in a house fire. all except my BlackBerry, car keys, one pair of jeans, a small load of whites i’d washed the previous night, along with the sweatpants and purple tank i was wearing.

i thought i was going to lose my mind. literally. i attribute much of my sanity, during that time, to my amazing sister Sharlene who listened, allowed me to cry, vent, but also reminded me that life goes on. “you can mourn, but you can’t stay here,” is what she told me. my family was so supportive during that time and i am most thankful that my brother and nephew were not hurt. but the most valuable lesson i’ve learned is a life simplified is a fulfilling life! less stuff to keep up with, less running around trying to keep folks happy, less holding my tongue out of fear, less racking my brain trying to figure what i’m wearing days, sometimes even weeks in advance. it’s time out for that.

i’m calming down, laying low and learning about Candace. i’m enjoying my alone time and i’m finally doing what makes me happy. it’s an exhilarating feeling! i feel an incredible sense of freedom and empowerment and i love it! so much of my dead weight got burned in that fire and i couldn’t be more grateful. it has allowed me to shed the past and move forward with a fresh perspective. i feel like if i can bounce back from these last two difficult years, i can pretty much do anything. no boundaries.

although i lost all of my material belongings, i still have my right mind, love, joy, peace and wonderful family and friends to share it.

2011 will be the year to conquer every one of my fears. it can’t be That hard.