This is it!

Friday, April 23, 2010

"...because when you look good, you feel good."

Cardigans & Pearls

The Official Guide to Building Your Personal Style

Must-Have…. Style.

“If you look good, you feel good.” Cliche? Yes. False? Absolutely Not.

Personal style is one of the most important assets for one to be taken seriously in the real world. What’s the first thing people see when you walk into a room—your style…Well, they may take a second to look at your face, but I guarantee, next they’re checking out your style or, errr…lack thereof.

Think about it, would you really trust a hairdresser who’s hair looks like she just rolled out of bed and headed to the salon? Or a mechanic whose car always breaks down half way to the shop? Of course Not.

Likewise, no one is going to take your seriously if your attire isn’t fashionably up to par. Whether you’re going on a first date or a first interview, what you choose to wear can be as important as what you choose to say.

And I am not asking you to conform to society’s seemingly superficial standards of proper appearance. I am asking you to embrace… to cultivate… to transform your outer appearance to reflect your inner beauty.

This transformation will make you more confident when you approach new endeavors. More self-assured when meeting new people. More proud when you look at yourself in the mirror. Ready to face the world at all costs.

Just think about it, if you don’t get asked out on a second date or you don’t get the job… at least you know it wasn’t because you didn’t look the part!

And don’t worry, for you less fashionably savvy ladies and gentlemen, I will be here hold your hand as you walk this road to becoming the fashionably confident person you’ve been dying to become!

I’ve created a list of basic essentials to help build a classic yet chic wardrobe. Glance at the list… Glance in your closet… And make the proper enhancements to your wardrobe… Until next time…

Must Haves for Ladies

The “Little Black Dress”

Black Pumps

Trench Coat

White Oxford (crisp)

Classic Cardigans

Black Blazer

Strand of Pearls

Boyfriend Blazer

Animal Prints