This is it!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

my I's

I enjoy being myself. There was a time when I didn't like me or the skin I was in. I'm not sure exactly when things changed, but I do know that it's been a long time coming.

I like blogging late at night. It my favorite time of day. When it's quiet, and I can collect my thoughts.

I don't have on any lipgloss in this picture above. UGH.

Sometimes I feel like I'll die if I don't have alone time.

I love my grandmother's name Jewel. It suits her perfectly.

I always feel so proud of myself when I come from the gym. Like I've accomplished something great. I've learned the importance of taking care of my body.

I feel good when I help someone else.

I always apply fresh MAC lipglass before I workout. While the rest of me looks like a bum, my lips always shine like the sun. It makes me feel like a girl.

No, I didn't try to rhyme that...

I wonder if I should go for my doctorate?

I would do anything for my three nieces. I feel a bond so tight, I would kill for them. My nephews are all such amazing young men. I love them so much. I can only imagine what I'll be like when I have children of my own.

I wonder when I'll have children.

I pray that I'll have a long lasting, breathtakingly special marriage like my parents of 47 years.

I would LOVE to work for GAP Headquarters.

I wonder if I should have minored in English. I love editing the writings of others.

I'm really anxious to know if I'll be starting grad school soon. I need them to hurry and let me know!

I have deemed myself DivaPrep.

I often wonder if I've made the right decision in letting him go.

I would love some new wedges right now. I already have a pair from Aldo that I've been stalking.

I can't wait for my braces to come off.

I love having a summer tan. My skin becomes gorgeously golden! :-)

I want to celebrate the end of my twenties in several ways. One of them being surrounded by people I love.

I also want to celebrate my birthday by making someone else feel good about themselves.

I love when people call me "Can". I love nicknames, period.

I would love to have my own practice some day.

I plan to wear dresses all summer.

Short ones.


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