Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Fashion Facts
Random Fashion Fact: did you know that Marc Jacobs works in two continents? In his hometown, NYC, he works for himself, in Paris for Louis Vuitton. His look for both labels changes with every collection, yet it clearly shows the signature of its creator.
Jacobs grew up with his grandmother who taught him how to knit. In 1993, he was promptly ‘let go’ as chief designer from his current employer, Perry Ellis because of their inability to sell a single piece from his collection. It was then that he began to focus on his own label and was appointed Vuitton’s new creative director. At LV (with Jacobs), total revenue rose in less than ten years from 940 million to 2.7 billion euros.
….and what’s Perry Ellis doing these days? Ha!
Source: 50 Fashion Designers You Should Know
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
late night thoughts

i can't find my other earring that Cierra gave me :( i loved those bad boys. i think i left the other one in New Orleans.
when i get a chance, i will DEF blog about how much fun i had in N.O.
i love Twitter.
why are all the good ones taken? or are they really?
i still haven't heard back from grad school. :(
i love how we went months without speaking only to pick right back up where we left off.
i'm really looking forward to football season.
can't wait for my next vacay.
i like many of the friendships i now have with high school classmates.
my new tires are going to cost me almost $300 :(
i make a mean homemade sweet potato pie. :)
i now have nude shoe addiction.
i cried at my niece's graduation because it reminded me of my sister. I miss you Val.
i want another Bengiet.
i would love to give wardrobe makeovers to those in need.
i've got to learn to stop holding grudges.
that is all.... for now :)
Friday, June 10, 2011
Cardigan + Wedding Dress!
Monday, May 30, 2011
i am resilient

I was asked this weekend what it means to be a strong woman. My reply was one word: resilient. No one may know your whole story. But if you sit and think about all you've been through, you've got to admit - I am resilient. I am powerful. Say it to yourself. Over and over again until you believe with every part of your being that it is true. You can make it!
resilient (adj): recovering readily from illness, depression, adversity, or the like; buoyant; springing back; rebounding.
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Power to the People!
Friday, May 27, 2011
from my best friend.. she's a portion of my strength..
Love your Essence!
I must say, although we are not in the same two shoes, nor probably in the same ‘shoe department…’ I truly appreciate your Essence—I love how your stilettos hit the concrete and let off a glorious clank sound…you are one Awesome woman Bestie! Thanks for sharing your words and world.
I must say, although we are not in the same two shoes, nor probably in the same ‘shoe department…’ I truly appreciate your Essence—I love how your stilettos hit the concrete and let off a glorious clank sound…you are one Awesome woman Bestie! Thanks for sharing your words and world.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
my I's

I enjoy being myself. There was a time when I didn't like me or the skin I was in. I'm not sure exactly when things changed, but I do know that it's been a long time coming.
I like blogging late at night. It my favorite time of day. When it's quiet, and I can collect my thoughts.
I don't have on any lipgloss in this picture above. UGH.
Sometimes I feel like I'll die if I don't have alone time.
I love my grandmother's name Jewel. It suits her perfectly.
I always feel so proud of myself when I come from the gym. Like I've accomplished something great. I've learned the importance of taking care of my body.
I feel good when I help someone else.
I always apply fresh MAC lipglass before I workout. While the rest of me looks like a bum, my lips always shine like the sun. It makes me feel like a girl.
No, I didn't try to rhyme that...
I wonder if I should go for my doctorate?
I would do anything for my three nieces. I feel a bond so tight, I would kill for them. My nephews are all such amazing young men. I love them so much. I can only imagine what I'll be like when I have children of my own.
I wonder when I'll have children.
I pray that I'll have a long lasting, breathtakingly special marriage like my parents of 47 years.
I would LOVE to work for GAP Headquarters.
I wonder if I should have minored in English. I love editing the writings of others.
I'm really anxious to know if I'll be starting grad school soon. I need them to hurry and let me know!
I have deemed myself DivaPrep.
I often wonder if I've made the right decision in letting him go.
I would love some new wedges right now. I already have a pair from Aldo that I've been stalking.
I can't wait for my braces to come off.
I love having a summer tan. My skin becomes gorgeously golden! :-)
I want to celebrate the end of my twenties in several ways. One of them being surrounded by people I love.
I also want to celebrate my birthday by making someone else feel good about themselves.
I love when people call me "Can". I love nicknames, period.
I would love to have my own practice some day.
I plan to wear dresses all summer.
Short ones.
Thursday, May 19, 2011
what's real style?

An excerpt from one of my favorite books:
“As devoted as I may be to my wardrobe, it’s important to acknowledge that true style extends beyond what you look like when you walk out the door. You don’t have to express this through grand gestures, either. It’s the small gestures that will really set you apart, like being gracious to waitstaff and cab drivers, holding open a door for someone who needs help, or bringing a friend flowers on her birthday.
And most importantly, it’s in giving thanks…” - Lauren Conrad
Monday, May 16, 2011
Monday, May 9, 2011

“Toe-drag”, “toe overhang”, “toe spill”, “skrimping”, “too small sandals”, however you choose to reference toes that hang over sandals, is your decision. But we’ve got to put a stop to this plaguing epidemic. It needs to be addressed. My friends (hey @E_Nikki, @MissLaydeee and @MyRoscoe10!!), asked me to write about it.. and they have every right to be concerned. It’s a new season and ladies all over are taking advantage of the breathtakingly sexy open toe shoe. And why shouldn’t we?! They’re daring, sexy, funky and feminine; and for all you exercise freaks, they make the calves looks like a million bucks! Owwww!
“She ain’t got no friends,” is what my sister always says when we see an extra busted chick walking around in too small clothes, excess makeup, extremely ridiculous hair or showing hefty amounts of cleavage whether it’s boobs or booty. If she had real friends, they'd tell her bout herself.
And the same goes for toe-drag. So you’ve taken time out of your busy schedule to read Cardigans and Pearls.. which instantly makes me care DEEPLY for you (thanks so much for reading :)!!), and I have vowed to always tell my friends the truth even when it hurts.
Here it goes: if you can feel the tip of your sandal with your toes, your sandals are too small. If you’re toes touch the ground at any point, your sandals are too small. If your toes ooze out of your sandals looking like a pack of Jimmy Dean sausages (see picture above), your sandals are way too small. If your toes spill out onto the sides or bust out in between the straps (eww), yep, you've guessed it.. they're too small.
I’m not trying to judge or condemn. I’m here to help! :) If you look up and your feet resemble any of these "Oh No She Didn't" pictures, do yourself a favor: trash/give away the shoes and go one size up. I can’t let you go out like that.. I care too much. You can even donate to Salvation Army. If it's too hard to part, allow your girlfriend to come to your place and get them. By any means necessary. Be careful if you have wide feet too. That can produce terrible side spillage. It’s not worth the embarrassment of seeing a twitpic of your big toe spilling out of your shoe all over Twitter. And even if it’s just one toe hanging, it’s still not okay. It may be a great idea to purchase foot pads which help prevent your feet from sliding because that’s often inevitable. They have those at every shoe store and they’re pretty affordable. Also, try taking an honest friend with you while shoe shopping. Someone who you KNOW will be brutally honest.
And let’s not forget heel drag! Same rules apply. Happy Spring and Summer to all of my Shoe Lovers! :)
Friday, May 6, 2011
Wednesday, May 4, 2011
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Summer 06
Ahhh, this brings back roadtrip memories with Chrissy (SeeSturdi), Moss, and Tashley (Ty and Ashley)… Summer 06 was sooo unforgettable!!
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
Thursday, April 21, 2011
my new lamp!
Friday, April 15, 2011
Random Fashion Fact

What’s the difference between Haut Couture, Prêt-à-Porter, and Confection?
Here’s your answer!!
Fashion design today is divided into three categories which are listed above. At the top are the exclusive creations of haute couture, high-class tailoring. For a fashion label to be allowed to officially describe itself as a couture house, it must present at least thirty-five new models every season (for both day and evening wear), which must have been manufactured by at least fifteen full-time staff members in a proprietary studio in Paris. Adherence to these criteria, is annually checked by the French Chamber of Commerce.
Also to be seen at the fashion weeks are prêt-à-porter (ready to wear) collections. In contrast to haute couture, the models are not made to measure, but produced in standardized sizes. The prices are cheaper. Their models are distinguished by high quality, unusual details, and precision cutting. More often than haute couture, they are the source of inspiration for everyday fashion, which is retailed under the name of confection. The latter is manufactured in large quantities by mass-production methods from ready-made model designs.
Wednesday, April 13, 2011
it may not be a good idea to listen to R&B late at night..
when you’re getting over someone you used to date. so before i fall into depression, i’m gonna think good thoughts and go to bed. i was working on my fashion fact entry, but i’ll finish in the morning. i’m proud of how well i’m maturing in this area. a month ago i would’ve tortured myself into late night tears and seemingly never-ending despondency. i know better now. good night!
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
i feel like there is nothing i cannot overcome...
Sunday, April 10, 2011
tricks for keeping your whites white…

…especially with those yucky yellow armpit stains:
•skip bleach since it doesn’t help with ‘pit stains
•soak the stained area in hydrogen peroxide (you can dilute it in water)
•pop an aspirin or two in the washing machine (wait until its full of water)
•soak the shirt in a solution of vinegar and water (1 tablespoon of vinegar to 1 cup of water)
Happy Washing!
Saturday, April 9, 2011
Monday, April 4, 2011
yesterday would have been your 43rd birthday
and i miss you dearly, Val. if i had you for one day, i would fill you in on how well you daughter, my neice, is doing. her prom is May 13th, graduation is June 2, and yes, she has a date! :) she’s super excited! Nik got accepted to each school in which she applied and she’s decided to attend UMBC to study Pharmacy. she’s a beautiful, smart, witty, well-spoken young lady who’s an independent thinker. and after all this time, she still refuses to get a relaxer because her head is always buried in a good book (or on Facebook lol). you would be SO proud!! we’re all so proud of her.
Val, you are loved and we miss you a great deal. we still talk about you and imitate your deep voice all the time ;) nearly three years later, not a day goes by that i don’t think of you.
love always,
Baby Sis
Val, you are loved and we miss you a great deal. we still talk about you and imitate your deep voice all the time ;) nearly three years later, not a day goes by that i don’t think of you.
love always,
Baby Sis
Friday, April 1, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Thursday, March 17, 2011
get it together...

It annoys me when I hear people say, “I’m gonna stop shopping there because everyone wears the same thing!” Well, DUH! You’re at a chain clothing store where they have at least 3 of the same garment in the same color and the same size on the same rack. And unless you have a personal designer, someone somewhere is going to have a piece of clothing that is the exact same or at least resembles yours. Not to mention, we come from a generation that idolizes celebrities, emulating their every move, trying so hard to dress like them. So of course I’m not surprised, because fashion is recycled. But it’s how you wear it that makes you distinct.
The key is originality. O-r-i-g-i-n-a-l-i-t-y. And having your own style. Your Own Style. How you choose to hook up your ‘fit is what really makes the difference. Even if you must shop at chain stores, challenge yourself to wear it differently. Make attempts not to wear the same outfit the exact same way when heading out for a night of fun. It’s hard but that’s the beauty of a challenge. Accessorize. Be fresh. Break the rules. Go all out. Shop Thrift. Try it simple (my favorite). Mix and match. Go chic. Host a swap party. Be classy. Be funky. There is no room to complain because there are so many alternatives for enhancing your personal style. You’ve got to find your niche and Own it. You deserve it!
Always remember, it’s never too late to re-invent your closet and transform your life. And when all else fails, throw on a Cardigan and whip out those Pearls! They will never steer you wrong!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
two months
since things ended with dude (see entry titled: “two weeks”), i really believe in hindsight that i’ve made the best decision. things are coming full circle and on a day like today, Valentine’s Day, he would have been stressing me about why we weren’t spending this day together. anyone who knows me is aware of my Love Day tradition (i’ll tell you how that tradition started another time). i spend it with my sister, brother-in-law, and whatever small number of selected guests they decide to invite. we enjoy steak, baked potatoes, crab cakes, salad, rolls, some fancy drink concoction, topped off with assorted scrumptious desserts. i can never think of any other place i’d rather be. sure i liked him, but i never felt compelled to spend Valentine’s Day with him. so we would argue, and i would be left feeling an immense amount of stress wrapped in a blanket of guilt.
well, not this year! no arguing, no bickering or guilty, stressful emotions clouding my mind during dinner. instead i relaxed, enjoyed tasty food, great conversation, exchanged loud laughs and fascinating stories. it’s where i wanted to be. and i loved every minute of it. im so satisfied where i am now.. this time last year i was so unhappy. shedding dead weight this year has never felt so good.
well, not this year! no arguing, no bickering or guilty, stressful emotions clouding my mind during dinner. instead i relaxed, enjoyed tasty food, great conversation, exchanged loud laughs and fascinating stories. it’s where i wanted to be. and i loved every minute of it. im so satisfied where i am now.. this time last year i was so unhappy. shedding dead weight this year has never felt so good.
Thursday, February 10, 2011
10 Tips to Improve Your Self-Esteem
1. Do what you love.
Everyone loves to do something, when you indulge yourself in your love you improve the way you feel about yourself. You improve your self esteem.
2. Help others out.
Nothing makes you feel a warm glow than when you unselfishly help others. Of course you can argue that this in itself is selfish, but if you take that line of thought you must think that existence is selfish. Forget that. Just do a good deed, help someone out, doesn’t have to be big and it doesn’t have to cost any money.
3. Acknowledge your strengths
There is no one who has no strengths. Everyone is good at something, know what your good at and give yourself a pat on the back. Do things that bring this quality out into the open. Excercise it, make it stronger.
4. Don’t put up with crap.
There is no reason you should tolerate other people being mean to you. Even if they say they are doing it with love. Make sure people know they should be nice to you and if they refuse, walk away from them.
5. Drop your negative friends.
Hang out with people who are positive and support you. It may be fun to bitch and moan but if you hang out with these types of people you will eventually become one of them. You may have noticed that people who bitch and moan are never happy.
6. Do your research
A lof of self help books are a waste of time in the sense that the only person who can change you is you. Reading even this blog post will not change you unless you get emotionally involved with the information. Which is really hard as it’s really dry and boring. Go read biographies of people you respect, people who do positive things and attain huge success. Learn from the master not the self help guru who is always in debt.
7. Learn to accept compliments.
It’s hard to accept a compliment and not to dismiss it as being ridiculous. Someone has an opinion and it should be respected, even if you do not argree with it. If people think good about you then maybe you should too.
8. Include positivity in your life.
I’m not talking an airy fairy chant in the mirror whilst naked. I mean take a positive slant on everything automatically. The meat pie you just bit in to may contain maggots, but maggots contain a lot of protein. OK that’s a bit extreme but you get the point.
9. Compare yourself against yourself.
If you look at how you were yesterday and how you are today and there is an improvement then that is great. If there is no improvement then you know you need to improve your efforts. Don’t start comparing your self to other people. Saying you are poor compared to D. Trump is just going to make you miserable.
10. There is no need for you to put yourself down.
By seeing yourself in a negative light you are only reinforcing your low self esteem. If you want to improve your self esteem. Ask yourself, how can I improve my self esteem. The answer will always be, find one positive thing about yourself and that will do it
Everyone loves to do something, when you indulge yourself in your love you improve the way you feel about yourself. You improve your self esteem.
2. Help others out.
Nothing makes you feel a warm glow than when you unselfishly help others. Of course you can argue that this in itself is selfish, but if you take that line of thought you must think that existence is selfish. Forget that. Just do a good deed, help someone out, doesn’t have to be big and it doesn’t have to cost any money.
3. Acknowledge your strengths
There is no one who has no strengths. Everyone is good at something, know what your good at and give yourself a pat on the back. Do things that bring this quality out into the open. Excercise it, make it stronger.
4. Don’t put up with crap.
There is no reason you should tolerate other people being mean to you. Even if they say they are doing it with love. Make sure people know they should be nice to you and if they refuse, walk away from them.
5. Drop your negative friends.
Hang out with people who are positive and support you. It may be fun to bitch and moan but if you hang out with these types of people you will eventually become one of them. You may have noticed that people who bitch and moan are never happy.
6. Do your research
A lof of self help books are a waste of time in the sense that the only person who can change you is you. Reading even this blog post will not change you unless you get emotionally involved with the information. Which is really hard as it’s really dry and boring. Go read biographies of people you respect, people who do positive things and attain huge success. Learn from the master not the self help guru who is always in debt.
7. Learn to accept compliments.
It’s hard to accept a compliment and not to dismiss it as being ridiculous. Someone has an opinion and it should be respected, even if you do not argree with it. If people think good about you then maybe you should too.
8. Include positivity in your life.
I’m not talking an airy fairy chant in the mirror whilst naked. I mean take a positive slant on everything automatically. The meat pie you just bit in to may contain maggots, but maggots contain a lot of protein. OK that’s a bit extreme but you get the point.
9. Compare yourself against yourself.
If you look at how you were yesterday and how you are today and there is an improvement then that is great. If there is no improvement then you know you need to improve your efforts. Don’t start comparing your self to other people. Saying you are poor compared to D. Trump is just going to make you miserable.
10. There is no need for you to put yourself down.
By seeing yourself in a negative light you are only reinforcing your low self esteem. If you want to improve your self esteem. Ask yourself, how can I improve my self esteem. The answer will always be, find one positive thing about yourself and that will do it
Thursday, January 20, 2011
my life... simplied
the old folks used to say, “you don’t know like I know what the LORD has done for me.” it pains me to think of myself as getting old, but that sentence sure does ring true when i reflect on the last two years of my life. i’ve been through so much. no one person knows the entire story, not even if they think they do.
but i will share this: September 11, 2010 changed my life forever. if you know me, then you know i love clothes, high heeled shoes, loud nail polish, headbands, over sized purses and elaborate accessories. and i had a lot of those things. but on that day, i lost everything i owned in a house fire. all except my BlackBerry, car keys, one pair of jeans, a small load of whites i’d washed the previous night, along with the sweatpants and purple tank i was wearing.
i thought i was going to lose my mind. literally. i attribute much of my sanity, during that time, to my amazing sister Sharlene who listened, allowed me to cry, vent, but also reminded me that life goes on. “you can mourn, but you can’t stay here,” is what she told me. my family was so supportive during that time and i am most thankful that my brother and nephew were not hurt. but the most valuable lesson i’ve learned is a life simplified is a fulfilling life! less stuff to keep up with, less running around trying to keep folks happy, less holding my tongue out of fear, less racking my brain trying to figure what i’m wearing days, sometimes even weeks in advance. it’s time out for that.
i’m calming down, laying low and learning about Candace. i’m enjoying my alone time and i’m finally doing what makes me happy. it’s an exhilarating feeling! i feel an incredible sense of freedom and empowerment and i love it! so much of my dead weight got burned in that fire and i couldn’t be more grateful. it has allowed me to shed the past and move forward with a fresh perspective. i feel like if i can bounce back from these last two difficult years, i can pretty much do anything. no boundaries.
although i lost all of my material belongings, i still have my right mind, love, joy, peace and wonderful family and friends to share it.
2011 will be the year to conquer every one of my fears. it can’t be That hard.
but i will share this: September 11, 2010 changed my life forever. if you know me, then you know i love clothes, high heeled shoes, loud nail polish, headbands, over sized purses and elaborate accessories. and i had a lot of those things. but on that day, i lost everything i owned in a house fire. all except my BlackBerry, car keys, one pair of jeans, a small load of whites i’d washed the previous night, along with the sweatpants and purple tank i was wearing.
i thought i was going to lose my mind. literally. i attribute much of my sanity, during that time, to my amazing sister Sharlene who listened, allowed me to cry, vent, but also reminded me that life goes on. “you can mourn, but you can’t stay here,” is what she told me. my family was so supportive during that time and i am most thankful that my brother and nephew were not hurt. but the most valuable lesson i’ve learned is a life simplified is a fulfilling life! less stuff to keep up with, less running around trying to keep folks happy, less holding my tongue out of fear, less racking my brain trying to figure what i’m wearing days, sometimes even weeks in advance. it’s time out for that.
i’m calming down, laying low and learning about Candace. i’m enjoying my alone time and i’m finally doing what makes me happy. it’s an exhilarating feeling! i feel an incredible sense of freedom and empowerment and i love it! so much of my dead weight got burned in that fire and i couldn’t be more grateful. it has allowed me to shed the past and move forward with a fresh perspective. i feel like if i can bounce back from these last two difficult years, i can pretty much do anything. no boundaries.
although i lost all of my material belongings, i still have my right mind, love, joy, peace and wonderful family and friends to share it.
2011 will be the year to conquer every one of my fears. it can’t be That hard.
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