This is it!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

late night thoughts

i can't find my other earring that Cierra gave me :( i loved those bad boys. i think i left the other one in New Orleans.

when i get a chance, i will DEF blog about how much fun i had in N.O.

i love Twitter.

why are all the good ones taken? or are they really?

i still haven't heard back from grad school. :(

i love how we went months without speaking only to pick right back up where we left off.

i'm really looking forward to football season.


can't wait for my next vacay.

i like many of the friendships i now have with high school classmates.

my new tires are going to cost me almost $300 :(

i make a mean homemade sweet potato pie. :)

i now have nude shoe addiction.

i cried at my niece's graduation because it reminded me of my sister. I miss you Val.

i want another Bengiet.

i would love to give wardrobe makeovers to those in need.

i've got to learn to stop holding grudges.

that is all.... for now :)

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